About Us

Mower County CEO launched in the fall of 2018.





Board Members


Mower County CEO established in the fall of 2018, with the support of local business community partners and area schools to create experiential learning opportunities for students. More than a business course, CEO allows students to learn from local business leaders and develop workforce skills of problem solving, team work, self-motivation, responsibility, communication and professionalism are the heart of a students development throughout the experience.

CEO is Transformational.

Students are completely different people when they exit CEO from the person they were when they entered CEO. This transformative experience is happening throughout the National Network of CEO Chapters.

Discover How to Transform
Your Youth and Community

Bring CEO to Your Community by launching a New Chapter

CEO gives high school students real-world experiences to help them think and act like entrepreneurs. This program builds future leaders and strengthens your community with both workforce and economic development.

personal guidance
full suite of tools
technology and training

About Midland Institute for Entreprenuership

The Midland Institute for Entrepreneurship is the provider of the CEO (Creating Entrepreneurial Opportunities) program. Midland Institute partners with business, school and community leaders around the country to help them establish, launch and operate successfully for the long term, their own CEO programs. The Midland Institute team provides personal support along with a full suite of tools, technology and training for every CEO program. From the proven CEO launch process through the day-to-day operation of your own program, the Midland Institute team is ready to become your community's partner.


Craig Lindvahl always said that the success of his work was measured not by the praise or awards he received, but by answering the question, “who will be better because of what I do today?”

Long before the CEO program transformed into what it is today, Craig, an educator, was asking that question of himself and his students. And before there were thousands of CEO alumni who were empowered with the life changing lessons of CEO, Craig was sharing his own lessons of life. Craig impacted everyone he came in contact with. He respected freely, listened carefully, and empowered gently…

Interested in learning more about the origins of CEO, find out here